While OilExTech, LLC is currently located in Oregon, USA, it can easily be moved practically anywhere world-wide! Phone number no longer works - any interested parties please email us at chance@oilextech.com.
The silicone pad (1) is to be used under the extractor in the microwave. The silicone pad and extractor can then be taken out and set safely on the counter. When ordering you can leave a preference of color; orange, yellow, green, or lavender, in the Order Notes on the checkout page.
The insulator foam disk greatly improves the freezing of the Ice Core. The foam disk is used in place of the second anchor nut above the white separator disk when freezing ice.
Non-sterile, disposable low density polyethylene pipettes. Perfect for transferring oils and liquids between vials or to measure out oil by drop count. Pipettes are re-usable but it is recommended to have a designated pipette for each oil you extract and transfer to vials.