Basil Oil Extraction Process
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Basil Oil Extraction
What you need:
– EssenExTM 100 Distillation Kit for basil oil distillation
– 100 grams of Basil Leaf, chopped or ground.
– Grinding tool (blender or food processor) [if Basil not chopped or ground]
– Place Basil in Freezer for 24 hours to facilitate chopping and extraction.
– For initial runs, use 100 grams. Later, more or less may be used.
– Add water to powder with ratio ½ ml water per gram of botanical. ( ½ :1 by mass)
– Place in EssenExTM as described in user manual.
– Place the reactor into the microwave with mug of water.
—-If multiple batches are to be run, change water in the mug between runs.
– Start with a 5.5 minute run time on a power setting of HIGH (1100 watts)
—-Lower power units: simply add 30 seconds to a minute for the cooking phase.
– Allow the batch to cool for 6 minutes. In or outside the microwave. Caution: do not raise lid prior to 4 minutes and be careful if moving from microwave as jar will be quite warm initially.
—-This is a key step to your success. Cooling allows the vapors to condense and yield more oil and it allows the reactor to be handled much easier!
– Pour top contents of the beaker into the easy separator and rotate it using the palms of your hands while resting it on a cloth (kitchen towel) on a hard surface (counter top). The motion should be similar to starting a fire with sticks.
– After a few seconds, stop rotating the separator and observe the oil layer.
– Repeat the process if you believe more oil will collect.
– Once the oil is separated (above the hydrosol in the neck of the flask), use the pipette to place it in a vial.
– Upon lifting the lid, a small amount of ice should be seen remaining on screw.
—If not, then reduce the amount of water added or shorten microwave time.
– With nominally good Basil, 0.2 to 0.4% by mass oil should be recovered.
—-100 grams Basil yields roughly 0.2 to 0.4 ml oil.
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– Please send in results using the standard reporting form and add commentary! Even qualitative results are a great help to other folks learning about nature’s gifts.
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EssenEx® 100A (Advanced) Essential Oil Extraction Kit
$229.00The EssenEx® 100A Essential Oil Home Extraction Kit is the world’s fastest extraction kit. This patented product, developed at Oregon State University, uses the same technique found in traditional steam distillation but works through your home microwave! The outcome? More convenient and higher quality essential oil made right in your home in just 6 minutes! Whether you use essential oils for medicinal, therapeutic, culinary, or other purposes, you can save time and money with this revolutionary product.
This kit includes everything you need to extract separate and store your own essentials you grow in your garden. Each time you use your extractor you will yield up to 3.5 g of oil depending on the plant material and 7-9 oz. of hydrosol. One run uses 50-100+g (1/8 – ¼ lbs) of plant material.
The 100A (Advanced) includes Ice Molds, Stands and Insulators to improve Ice core (condenser) along with a Silicone Insulator Pad and Packaging Design to allow you to easily store product when not in use.
EssenEx® 100E (Economy) Essential Oil Extraction Kit
$199.00The EssenEx® 100E Essential Oil Home Extraction Kit is the same device as the EssenEx100A but with only two Ice Mold Sets and fewer pipettes and vials.
EssenEx®-300 Essential Oil Extraction Kit
The EssenEx®-300, inspired from customers wanting a higher capacity, triples the botanical volume capacity while at only costing about twice as much. It is a smart investment for entrepreneurs making soaps, creams and other care products, aroma therapists and folks that have a fragrance farm store such as many lavender growers. This is also a great option for home schools and K-12 chemistry labs. It is larger than the 100, and requires a microwave with a vertical clearance of no less than 9.5 inches (240mm).
Triple capacity.
EssenEx® 100A (Advanced) Essential Oil Extraction Kit – 2 Pack (Save $20)
$438.00A Special 2-Pack of our Newest and most popular unit! Two (2) EssenEx® 100A (Advanced) packaged together, with a $20 discount. On top of that, you will save money on shipping cost per unit as well! Packaged individually in one shipping box therefore reducing the cost of shipping per unit.